January 10, 2015

A Gay Mormon Comes Out To A Straight Mormon

So much is said of the unaccepting attitude towards gays from active members of the Mormon church. While the totality of those sad, discouraging and hurtful experiences are not being disputed here, I think it is so vital to share the good stories. 

I have had more than my fair share of loving and affirming encounters with church folk. Thus, I want to share some of those experiences. 

The following is an actual Facebook chat coming out of a gay Mormon to a real life member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know this male from the ward choir, which I joined two months ago when I moved into the YSA ward.

Hey, how would you like to double with me on a blind date tomorrow?

Thanks for the offer _____, but I sort of just started seeing someone this past week, so I'll have to decline.

I'm curious though how'd you get set up on a blind double date?

I actually met my date a while ago, but I'm trying to find someone who can go with her roommate

Congrats on finding someone, though! Hope things work out

Ahh gotcha. Thanks for thinking of me though. Thank you.

Is it a girl in the ward?

ME –
Well... ha (I thought you might have seen it on my FB profile but) it's a guy and he lives in Provo.

Oh, I didn't even realize! Haha so I'm straight, but I have thought a lot about homosexuality in the church, and I would be really interested in hearing your thoughts on it someone. I know it's something that isn't well understood, but it deeply affects the lives of a lot of people. Sorry if that's tacky haha. I can understand if you would prefer not to share your feelings


Yeah, it's all good, most people don't realize until I tell them (which I'm kinda glad about).

Yeah, totally I'd be willing to talk about it with you sometime. I'm a pretty open book once I get to know someone. Don't worry, it wasn't tacky lol

Haha cool. We'll have to chat about it sometime then

Yeah for sure.


  1. Thank goodness for open minded and non-judgmental Mormons! Thanks for sharing positive stories!!

    1. Thank goodness indeed. You're welcome. I am grateful I have positive stories to share as I know many do not.

  2. Haha! This makes me wish I had come out when I was in a singles ward. I would have loved to see the reactions of tight laced Mormons when I told them the truth :) I hope you are finding happiness in your journey. -BSH

    1. It's surprising to me. My generation seems to be less shocked by people coming out and more passively missionary like in their exhortations to live the standards.

  3. It awesome that he asked you to help educate him, it'll be interesting to hear about how that conversation goes.

    1. It was awesome. I just posted about our recent conversation.
